Ich Bin Ein Berliner and West Berlin

I hadn’t realized the coincidence until now, but June 26 is the anniversary of two extremely important Cold War events involving the German city of Berlin. In 1963, United States president John F. Kennedy told the people of West Berlin “Ich bin ein Berliner.” In English, he said, “I am also a citizen of Berlin.” […]

The Soviet Union Acquires the Atomic Bomb

September 23 is the 60th anniversary of US president Harry Truman’s announcement that the Soviet Union acquires the atomic bomb. This event ratcheted up tensions in the Cold War considerably. Now, both opponents possessed nuclear weapons. The military consequences were important. Both primary Cold War contenders now raced to beef up their nuclear arsenals. Soon, […]

Paul Robeson and Jackie Robinson

Without doubt, Paul Robeson ranks as one of the most talented men that the United States has ever seen. His combination of intelligence, athletic skill, and singing and acting talent know few equals. Yet, I’ll venture to write that you’ve scarcely heard of him. In contrast, Jackie Robinson is forever famous. Yet, the stories of […]