What Made Roberto Clemente’s Death Such An Awful Tragedy?

If you are a baseball fan, you know the name Roberto Clemente. If you aren’t, you still need to know his story and why it matters. His life was uplifting to many, yet had a tragic end. Furthermore, the story of Roberto Clemente’s death, and life, reveals much about America during the middle of the […]

Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial – History’s Most Famous Concert?

Truly, history’s most famous concert is a matter for debate. But the performance of Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial on April 9 of 1939 was memorable for a host of reasons. Anderson, a world-famous contralto, sang before an audience estimated at 75,000 on Easter Sunday that year. It’s a performance still remembered today. What […]

The March Against Fear and James Meredith

The other major event in US history from June 6 I’d like to discuss today is the March Against Fear, a protest begun by James Meredith in Mississippi in 1966. Although it may seem rather different than my earlier memorialization of Operation Overlord (see previous blog post), there are, in fact, some connections. These two […]

Paul Robeson and Jackie Robinson

Without doubt, Paul Robeson ranks as one of the most talented men that the United States has ever seen. His combination of intelligence, athletic skill, and singing and acting talent know few equals. Yet, I’ll venture to write that you’ve scarcely heard of him. In contrast, Jackie Robinson is forever famous. Yet, the stories of […]