Ukraine and Russia – How Does World War I Influence Today?

If you’re like me, you’ve followed the news of Russia’s baseless invasion of Ukraine since it began in February of 2022. Perhaps you’ve wondered, though, about the history of these two neighbors. Today’s post will discuss an important part of that history. I’ll describe for you the events that followed World War I and how […]

Labor Day, the Ugly Duckling of American Holidays

On holidays, especially ones like Memorial Day and Veterans Day, I see Facebook filled with memes and statements honoring soldiers and their sacrifices. Which is fine. I appreciate their sacrifices, too. But have you ever seen one asking people to honor the sacrifices of the labor movement on Labor Day? I’ll bet not. And if […]

The Arab Oil Embargo Begins in 1973

October 19 of 1973 ranks as one of the most momentous economic days in US history. On that day, Arab nations announced their Arab Oil Embargo against the United States. The Arab Oil Embargo included a ban on exports to the US and a ten percent cut in overall production. There were politics at work […]

The Soviet Union Acquires the Atomic Bomb

September 23 is the 60th anniversary of US president Harry Truman’s announcement that the Soviet Union acquires the atomic bomb. This event ratcheted up tensions in the Cold War considerably. Now, both opponents possessed nuclear weapons. The military consequences were important. Both primary Cold War contenders now raced to beef up their nuclear arsenals. Soon, […]

Nikita Khrushchev Turned Away by Disneyland

Disneyland claims it is the “Happiest Place on Earth,” but it wasn’t very welcoming to Nikita Khrushchev on September 19, 1959. Khrushchev, the leader of the  Soviet Union, was in the United States for a summit with US president Dwight Eisenhower. He wanted to see Hollywood during his visit, so US authorities arranged for the […]

Fascism is Not a Left-Wing Movement

In recent years I’ve seen a few attempts by some confused conservative commentators to reclassify fascism from a right-wing political movement to a left-wing one. In reality, fascism is not a left-wing movement. Actually, I shouldn’t call the commentators confused. They know exactly what they are trying to accomplish with this subterfuge. After discarding all […]