Grace Lorch Helps Elizabeth Eckford

It’s unlikely you’ve heard of Grace Lorch. Unless you are a serious student of Arkansas history, her name likely doesn’t register. But when Grace Lorch helps Elizabeth Eckford in 1957, she changed history. Grace Lorch is a superb example of how regular people, almost unknown today, contributed to the Civil Rights Movement. The main event […]

Elizabeth Eckford & the Little Rock Nine

You’ve probably seen the photograph of Elizabeth Eckford, even if you didn’t know that was the woman’s name. In a way, it’s a chilling image. It, and the Little Rock Nine, remain a prominent feature in any history of the civil rights movement in the United States. Elizabeth Eckford, a young African American with large […]

The Little Rock Nine Begin Classes

The Little Rock Nine is the name given to the nine students who integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. September 25 was the day the Little Rock Nine attended their first classes. What happened in Little Rock was one of the first big showdowns between segregationists and the US government following […]