Elizabeth Eckford & the Little Rock Nine

You’ve probably seen the photograph of Elizabeth Eckford, even if you didn’t know that was the woman’s name. In a way, it’s a chilling image. It, and the Little Rock Nine, remain a prominent feature in any history of the civil rights movement in the United States. Elizabeth Eckford, a young African American with large […]

The 1964 Civil Rights Act & Two Court Cases

If you have even a perfunctory knowledge of what happened during the Civil Rights Movement in the US, you remember the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The purpose of the act was to end segregation in public places because segregation discriminated so heavily against African Americans living in the South. It also banned segregation in employment […]

Review of Freshwater Road, by Denise Nicholas

Freshwater Road is a historical novel from Denise Nicholas and appeared in 2008. To read my other recent book reviews, see: A Long Petal of the Sea, by Isabel Allende This Tender Land, by William Kent Krueger The Impossible Girl, by Lydia Kang The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret […]

Robert Moses and the Civil Rights Movement

Most movements have a moral philosophy that motivates participants, and the Civil Rights Movement was no exception. The idea of nonviolence espoused so eloquently by Martin Luther King, Jr., was the ethos underpinning much of the Black struggle of the 1950s and 1960s. Along with King, one of the movement’s best philosophical minds belonged to […]

Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner Murdered

June 21, 1964 witnessed one of the most chilling events of the  Civil Rights Movement, the murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. James Chaney and Michael Schwerner were members of the civil rights group CORE, the Congress of Racial Equality, and Andrew Goodman was a summer volunteer to help with their programs. On June 21, […]

The Martin Luther King You Aren’t Supposed to Know

We will forever connect the name Martin Luther King, Jr. with the civil rights movement in the United States. Because he was the movement’s most well-known and charismatic leader, this is appropriate. Our nation continues to honor King’s legacy every January with a holiday in his remembrance. However, the Martin Luther King we think we […]