In the continuation of My Australian Adventure, Clarence finishes his journey around the world as the mascot of the Spalding Tourists. Beginning in Australia, he and the teams travel to Ceylon, Egypt, Italy, France, the British Isles, and finally return home to America. Clarence’s adventures continue before the Great Sphinx, in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, and in front of British royalty. When the teams return to the States, the press hails Spalding and the ballplayers as conquering heroes, bathing them in patriotism and lionizing their achievement.
But what of Clarence? What will happen when he journeys alone through the streets of Cairo and Colombo, or enters the Roman Catacombs? There is also the little matter of getting involved in a secret anarchist plot to, well, why give away the secret?
Even if he survives his adventures to make it home to Chicago, what next for our young mascot? Will the constant racism of his traveling companions damage the young man beyond repair, or can he rise above the abuse and humiliation? What about his future? Will Clarence overcome his condition as a penniless orphan or remain stuck a homeless boy, ground underfoot by America’s rush toward the 20th century?